100% quality assurance tested to ensure top quality. The photos are actual pictures of the products. Payment must be made immediately after the auction is completed.
The product will be shipped within 2 business days once payment is cleared. Shipping days exclude weekends and holidays. International shipping time is always out of control; some customs processes are much more complicated and unpredictable. It can sometimes take a few extra weeks to clear goods through customs.
The item will be shipped from our warehouse in Australia, the USA, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, or directly from the factory in China. Sorry, we do NOT ship to islands located outside of mainland Europe or the UK. For example, Canarias Islands Spain, Madeira islands Portugal, etc.
Please TAKE PHOTOS IMMEDIATELY if you find the package or item damaged. Although we are trying our best, there could be small issues like wrong or defective item sent or damaged during transit or item not as described.Please inform us within 30 days from the date of delivery if the item you received is not as described. We accept order cancellation for any reason within 30 days of receiving your order. We will refund you within 30 days of receiving the item you returned.
Please take considerate care of the goods and return it to us in its original condition which is required for return eligibility. All items considered for exchange or refund must be returned in "new" condition, complete with all packaging materials; otherwise, the item will be considered used and may only be considered for resale purposes. The buyer is responsible for return shipping costs for change of mind.
We accept order cancellation for any reason within 30 days of receiving your goods. Please take considerate care of the goods and return it to us in its original condition which is required for return eligibility. One-year warranty against manufacturing defects! Professional installation is highly recommended. The tax invoice is available.
If you need it for tax purposes, please contact us. These charges are the responsibility of the buyer. Please inquire with your country's customs office to determine the amount of these additional costs before bidding/purchasing. Professional installation is highly recommended.We stock over 4000 different auto parts in our warehouse located in Australia, the USA, and the Netherlands. Products include radiators for cars, trucks, and motorcycles, silicone hoses, intercoolers, oil coolers.
Excellent before and after sale service.