MINT - The item is in perfect condition. NEAR MINT - Almost perfect, imperfections will be extremely minor. EXCELLENT - The item will have been very carefully used, with only small imperfections.
GOOD - The item will have had more use, showing obvious imperfections. FAIR - The item will have strong signs of wear, showing major imperfections. SPARES or REPAIR - The item will be in poor condition.
If you have any questions, ask them! We ship from our warehouse in the UK. We ship worldwide every day using a tracked / signed for service. Over 30 years of experience in shipping collectible models worldwide - you can trust our service. If you have any questions, please ask.
We hope you are fully satisfied with your purchase. In the unlikely event that there is a problem / defect with the item, we will be happy to refund you (excluding return postage). Toys Ltd is a family business with over 50 years of experience specializing in high quality collectible models and worldwide delivery. We have continued to grow and expand as the retail market and technology have evolved and we are confident that we will need to continue this trend. So we hope we have been able to present our service and provide you, as required. Our goal is to ensure that whatever the model, we will provide an excellent service experience. For us, this means great availability, excellent customer service as well as fast and secure delivery, worldwide. All that's left to say is thank you for taking the time to read our page and using our company to help you with your collecting and gifting needs - every order placed is received with gratitude and is as important to us as the next.Kind regards The RM Toys Team.